Tomorrow. It's that promise that I often make to myself when I realize that time is getting away from me. Whether the goal is to clean my closet, to plant a garden, or to make a medical appointment, I often don't realize until the day is winding down that time has won out. Cleaning a closet and starting a garden, if done today or tomorrow, are the type tasks that can be put off forever because they are not mandates for life; they are lifestyles. On the other hand, making and keeping a medical appointment, that dreaded medical appointment, can be lifesaving.
I recall an old adage from my childhood: Tomorrow never comes.
When tomorrow becomes today, I want to be apart of it.
Jim-Ree Museum includes a run / walk and a health fair as a part of its Juneteenth JAAM 2018 Celebration to commemorate taking care of self through having an active lifestyle and through having health checks. Our health fair logo is a sankofa reaching back for a heart. Our theme is go back and fetch your health.
Is it possible to actually go back and fetch your health? Yes! The first steps to taking charge of your health are to be active and to have health checks.
Juneteenth JAAM 2018 Health Fair is June 2, 2018. The day starts with a timed run / walk at 8:00 AM followed by a fun run / walk at 9:00 AM. This is the inaugural year for our virtual run. A virtual run is included for people who would like to participate in the run / walk but cannot be there. There will be a water slide and refreshments for the participants. Following the run / walk is the health fair (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM). #JuneteenthJAAM2018
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